This is a random selection of images from the last 4 competitions. See the winners in our ‘About’ section.

Robert Wilkinson Over 65s Barbican Bliss

John Carmichael. 35 to 65 St James's Church Garden 'Can I have my ball back please?'

John Wilder Over 65s Old Street Roundabout, EC1 'I liked the ‘film noir’ quality of this shot which conveys the ‘end of a long night'

Carl Randall. 35-65. Clerkenwell Green 'Phone box girl'

Rino Compton Under 12s. Near Myddelton Street

Heywote Bekele 35-65. Albemarle Way 'Travelling Companions'

Eduardo Martinez 35-65. Barbican 'Towering buildings cast their shadows on the pavements, creating a surreal blend of light and shade.'

Chan Spencer. 35-65. Essex Road
Lane Shipsey 19-35. Rosebery Avenue. 'Thai restaurant. Number 19 bus.

Mervyn Rands. Over 65. Whitecross Street Whitecross Street Party 16 July 2023

Aidan Taub. 35-65 Handheld long exposure on Cowcross St on the longest day of the year. The puppy had to behave and stay perfectly still or they would have ruined the shot.

Tuğçe Karapinar 19-34. Barbican 'My attention was immediately captured by the Royal Airforce Jets flying over the Barbican Estates- connected in harmony and route, to celebrate the King’s Birthday.'

Aidan Taub. 35-65. A spot of lunchtime Cricket - 80 Turnmill St Feb'23

Lane Shipsey 19-35. Rosebery Avenue. 'Evening Wheels'
Lane Shipsey 19-35. Amwell Street. Shopfront.

Lucas Simpson Under 12s (Aged 7!) "They were all taken on my mums friends phone when we met for pizza. They were taken on a walk from Roseberry Avenue to Farringdon station."

Mervyn Rands. Over 65. Whitecross Street Whitecross Street Party 16 July 2023

Aidan Taub. 35-65. Working lunch on St Johns St.

John Broaders 35-65. City Road on the way to Angel. 'A street with a canal beside'

John Broaders 35-65. Whitecross St Market EC1. 'Milling about in EC1'

Paolo Rizzi 35-65. St. James Church, Clerkenwell The attached image is a reproduction of an old picture found at the Local History Centre Archive of St. James Church. It is part of a series of photos I've taken for the Visual History Exhibition, part of the Islington Festival 2023.

Tina Whitehouse 35-65. Goswell Road. "I took this shot from a balcony whilst listening to ‘It’s a Beautiful Noise’ by Neil Diamond"

Maria Georgiou. (Age category not yet known!) "A photo of my grandson Mason aged 10 sitting outside Fora office space letter logo on Seward Street EC1V"

Tugce Karapinar. 19-34. 60th birthday celebrations- thrown and discarded on the street pavements of the Barbican. I was drawn to residue left behind surrounding the cake, creating a further trail.

Andy Schneider 35-65 Chapel Street Market

Robert Jeromson 19-34. Theobalds Rd 'The Evening' - The resting owners of a classic establishment are contrasted by a rushing delivery rider in the foreground.

Andy Schneider 35-65 Charlton Place

Chris Campion 35-65 Goswell Road - Dinosaur Crossing

Chris Campion 35-65. Tompion Street. Bin House

Chris Campion 35-65. Jerusalem Passage

Yuliia Nikolaieva. 19-34. Clerkenwell (Exact location unknown)
Dominic Lake 35 - 65. Clerkenwell at Dusk. Two men multitasking in a pub. Connected to each other, connected to technology and connected to the beer.
Dominic Lake 35 - 65. Clerkenwell Road. Reverend Scooter preaching to his congregation. The picture was taken in front of the Italian Church and the shadow cast in the shape of the cross was just apt.

Nicole Valente 19-34 The Barbican - 1

Nicole Valente 19-34 The Barbican - 2

Nicole Valente 19-34 The Barbican - 3

David Smith 35-65 Rosoman Street
Gillian Bryant. 35-65 St James's Church Garden. Connecting with Nature. The Squirrel came to take water I said oh good morning and it kept looking at me so I took the opportunity to snap on my phone . I call the photo Charlie

Tamara Young. 35-65. St James's Church Gardens

Marianna Parasidou 19-34. Vinoteca, St John Street. 'My first night in London, ended up being served great wines by accident'.

T. Barrington. 35-65. The Horseshoe pub, Clerkenwell Close. One of the regular darts matches held here.

Marianna Parasidou. 19-34. Barbican. Conversations during Autumn 2021.

Serena Falzarano 18-34. Spa Fields

T. Barrington. 35-65. Paton Street / Finsbury Leisure Centre. The wonderful sight of people being active in an outdoor space is under real threat. Flats due to be built over the 5-a-side pitches.

Serena Falzarano 18-34 Woodbridge Street

T. Barrington 35-65. Corporation Row. Woman. Phone. Dog. Scooter.

Serena Falzarano 18-34. Sekforde Street

Serena Falzarano 18-34. Sekforde Street

T. Barrington 35-65. Haywards Place. Fabulous woman walking her fabulous dog . Haywards Place.

T. Barrington. 35-65. Lever Street. Dream Home (it was still under construction.)
Below are a handful of the entries from 2022.
If you enter quickly yours will be the first in the 2023 gallery!

Tessa Sheridan. Over 65s LSO St Luke's, Old Street. ‘Loss of Connection’ When the LSO closes its local community choir after nineteen years, founder member Grace (98), tears up her sheet music in protest.

Zipu Zhu. 19-34 Spa Fields One of a series: Solitude A series documenting people in their ‘personal’ space, exploring the intricacies and facets of individuals’ distinct ways of idleness in their given environment through documentary urban photography.

Jessiie Durk. 19-34 Social Distancing Wilmington Square A group of pigeons respect social distancing as they relax in the sun.

Georgie Lanyon. 19-34 Myddelton Square ‘Seasons of a Tree’. I have lived in Clerkenwell for the past couple of years and worked from home for a large proportion of this time due to the pandemic. My desk is set up at my window and I look out onto the square. Quite quickly I noticed this beautiful tree in the middle of the gardens. The first year working from home I noticed how it changed in appearance during the seasons and so the following year I decided to capture an image of each distinct season and bring them together in a collage.

Richard Betson. 35-65. Smithfield Market
Al Scott. 35-65 St Peters Italian church Clerkenwell, EC1R ‘Connecting with the Italian comunità’ Circa 1958 One of my favourites family photos. My two uncles , Edigio and John. One getting married, one Best Man. The Bride , Lilla,is fashionably late

Aiden Taub. 35-65 Haywards Place One of a series: "Reflections on Clerkenwell" Taken on those rarest of days - wet sunny London. (May 24th 2022

Zipu Zhu. 19-34 6 Pear Tree Court, EC1R 0DW Seen at a distance, unseen by most, working at heights above the Piano Works building amongst the birds

Kyra Li. 19-34 Amwell Street Haircuts, Wet Shaves, and a Beer.

James Liu. 19-34 Old Street From a series: Taken on single walks at different times of day, and show how different worlds can exist on the same streets.

Eraldo Strumiello. 35-65 Granger & Co Sekford Street One of a series: Clerkenwell floating community In addition to the residents of our community, Clerkenwell has a floating community, mostly immigrant workers who contribute to the development of the local economy. In this competition, I would like to honor this sector.

Stephen ONeill. 35-65 Golden Lane Estate One of a series: Modernist nooks & crannies (Photography with a touch of collage). ‘Some local familiar architecture, in unfamiliar arrangements.’
Jeane Trend-Hill. 35-65. Plastic dinosaur on top of a grave in Bunhill Fields. I do a lot of photography / research in cemeteries as some of the monuments are spectacular. I also attend funerals for those who have no one or few to attend so always have a look around afterwards to see what I can spot.

Marthe Danzin. 35-65 Smithfield Something Fishy at the Meat market

Nylda Hamchaoui. 19-34 My Clerkenwell – Connections Mora street These buildings are connected, the facades joined together to look like a portrait, a family of differences, a patchwork of connections that show how Clerkenwell is changing the further you look into the landscape.

Thomas Casey. Over 65s Woman in black - Leather Lane

Chris Campion. 19-34 'Urban Jungle' Tompion house. Malta Street.

Chris campion. 19-34 Skinner Street, over looking spa fields The moon, Jupiter, Venus.

Nylda Hamchaoui. 19-34 My Clerkenwell Dingley road It is quite intimate, to see a high-rise building alone in the skyline, like peeking over someone’s garden fence, its countless windows like eyes watching over you

Steven Gleave. 19-34 Exmouth Market. A fast paced runner goes past the easy pace of one of the streets iconic shops

Thomas Casey. Reluctant dog in Cowcross Street

Cedric D’Amico. 35 – 65 Clerkenwell Green Window cleaner on his rounds.

Stephen ONeill. 35-65 Clerkenwell Green 'Green man on The Green' Clerkenwell is magnet for individuals – freedom of expression runs through the veins of the area – from the eateries and drinkeries, to the many creative businesses, and of course on the green on May Day. This gentleman wants to have his say and all power to him.

Anthony Tam. Over 65s From a series 'Nature adulterated' Spa Fields
Agata Piccin. 35-65 “Live the best life” A dog on motorcycle waiting for the owner spotted in Exmouth Market / Co-Op store

Antonia Nazar. Under 11s Spa Fields. We had so much fun and made so many new friends! What community spirit. People came together like they haven't before.
Lola Wajskop 19-34 Central Street. Taken at the intersection of Central Street and Lever Street one morning, on my way to work.
Simon Gordon Age category 35-65 Kunstraum, Roscoe St, EC1 Students from Soundskool Music School
Michael Moran 35-65 Albemarle Way EC1V 4JB I took the photo about 5 years ago, while having a smoke. It was my last cigarette ever.

M J McMahon 35-65 'Ghost jacket' Compton Street, Clerkenwell. Late one evening I was walking home via Compton Street. In the distance a small shadowy figure presented themselves to me. It turned out to be lost item of clothing over a bollard.

Sam Ingram Under 12-18 Spa Fields Park, Northampton Row

Fergus McCann-Bottyan Under 11s. Hayne Street I saw a drain, looked into it, it was Barbican station and a tube was there!

Julie Challis. 35-65. Fortune Street Park EC1. Whenever I walk through Fortune Street park I can not help but think 'community'. The blue playground slide is even in the shape of a C (for Community....Connection...Clerkenwell!). Walking through the park I see and hear people connecting. All ages, all backgrounds - I just love it!

Lola Wajskop 19-34. 'Sheperdess notes'. The old Sheperdess cafe (before renovations), on City Road/Sheperdess Walk. I love the curiosity it inspires and always wondered what the man was writing about.

Steven Speed 35-65. A rainy evening during lockdown in 2021. Clerkenwell Road.

Marianna Parasidou. 19-34. Summertime and the living is easy at Exmouth Market

Cedric D’Amico. 35 – 65. Spa Fields man

Cedric D'Amico. 35-65. Wilmington Square. Squirrel woman.

Cedric D'Amico. 35-65. Rosebery Avenue. Urdang Dancers.

Andy Schneider 35-65 - Tennis Courts: Golden Lane Estate.

Andy Schneider 35-65 - New office block developments behind St Barts, between Albion Way and Aldersgate St

Andy Schneider 35-65 - Corner of Farringdon Street and Snow Hill

T. Barrington. 35-65. Clerkenwell Green. Breakfast at Scotti's on a sunny day

Cedric D'Amico. 35-65. St John's Square. Clerkenwell Chess Club.

Hobie Bekele. 35-65. Finsbury Sport Centre. 5-a-side football

Steven Speed. 35-65. A cold winter night at St John's Gate, Clerkenwell, the former gatehouse for the Clerkenwell priory of the Knights of Saint John - the Knights Hospitallers.

Amanda Kelly. 35-65. Snow Hill Constantly changing street landscapes with Holy Sepulchre, Old Bailey and St Paul’s competing with hoardings and scaffolding.